DTU has approved the Viking VS19.9 turbine
Viking Wind's turbine Viking VS19. 9 has now been approved for five years, from July 4. 2017 to July 4. 2022.
The Viking VS19.9 is a turbine specially developed for the Italian and Japanese markets.
All turbines with a swept area above 5m2 to be erected in Denmark must have a valid type certificate.
A Type A Certificate is the final certificate for a market-ready wind turbine with a validity of 5 years.
You can read further about type certificates on the Danish Energy Agency's webpage.
Viking Wind's turbine Viking VS19. 9 has now been approved for five years, from July 4. 2017 to July 4. 2022.
The Viking VS19.9 is a turbine specially developed for the Italian and Japanese markets.
All turbines with a swept area above 5m2 to be erected in Denmark must have a valid type certificate.
A Type A Certificate is the final certificate for a market-ready wind turbine with a validity of 5 years.
You can read further about type certificates on the Danish Energy Agency's webpage.
Contact us
If you'd like to hear more about whether a Viking VS turbine could be the right choice for you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always ready with guidance and advice - whether you already own a small wind turbine or are thinking of investing in one.