From a barren field to a Sustainable Energy Solution
Viking Wind's hybrid solar, wind and battery unit can supply 20-25 Danish households with energy

Viking as a stand-alone energy solution (off-grid system)
Viking VS small wind turbines can also be used as a stand-alone system (off-grid system), where the turbines deliver their electricity production directly to an independent unit and do not need to be connected to the electrical grid.
This provides unprecedented site options for a stand-alone solution, making it very suitable for placement in rural areas where there is no access to the established electricity grid or in places where connection to the utility meter and a potential subscription is financially untenable.
Instead of connecting to the grid as is usually done, the turbines' production is stored in battery banks or run simultaneously with a diesel generator. Afterwards, the power is converted so that the energy can be utilized for various electrical appliances.
Viking Wind's Hybrid solution
Our latest product development is a hybrid project that combines both solar and wind energy in a single energy solution. A battery unit is also added to store extra produced energy for use during periods of calm and/or cloudy weather.
This provides a very powerful and stable energy solution, as you are not only dependent on one renewable energy source, but can combine several and thus achieve a larger energy production.
A hybrid system, such as our system that was built in Middelfart in 2021, can supply energy to 20-25 Danish households.
At the same time, it can be set up as an off-grid solution, which provides great flexibility in terms of location for the system.

Viking is compatible with various stand-alone energy solutions
Diesel generator for backup
Integrated UPS solution
Battery bank for storage and backup
Hybrid system with multiple energy sources connected (e.g. solar and wind), a battery bank and an autonomous control system that automatically compensates for the differences between energy production and consumption.