HS Wind/Viking Wind scores high in nationwide satisfaction survey


The Danish Wind Turbine Association has published their annual survey for 2017 in the magazine "Naturlig Energi" for what Danish wind turbine owners think about the service companies that service their wind turbines and here HS Wind/Viking Wind are placed in the top five.

The comparison includes 629 turbines from 11 service companies, where the turbine owners have been able to rate the turbines on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is excellent and 1 is poor. Here, the overall average gives Hs Wind/Viking Wind an impressive 4th place with an average score of 4.1, which must be considered extremely satisfactory!

turbine owners were asked to rate areas ranging from 'quality of service' and 'quality of repairs' to 'professional knowledge' and 'communication'.

In the area of "Quality of service and repairs" HS Wind/Viking Wind shares first place with Per & Jørgen Therkildsen A/S with a score of well over 4; and in the area of "The company's professional knowledge/technicians' knowledge of your turbine" HS Wind/Viking Wind is in 2nd place.

When asked if the wind turbine owner would recommend the company to others, HS Wind/Viking Wind is also in 2nd place with a score of just around 4 - which must also be considered very satisfactory.

The only remark on HS Winds/Viking Winds performance was that the company should be better at sending service reports by email afterwards. But we already do this, as the service report is attached to the invoice as a PDF file, so this 'problem' should already be considered solved.

All in all, a very satisfactory result of the 2017 survey for HS Wind/Viking Wind, which we are very proud of.

You can see the results of the entire survey on the Danish Wind Turbine Association's website by following the link here.

HS Wind/Viking Wind scores high in nationwide satisfaction survey

The Danish Wind Turbine Association has published their annual survey for 2017 in the magazine "Naturlig Energi" for what Danish wind turbine owners think about the service companies that service their wind turbines and here HS Wind/Viking Wind are placed in the top five.

The comparison includes 629 turbines from 11 service companies, where the turbine owners have been able to rate the turbines on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is excellent and 1 is poor. Here, the overall average gives Hs Wind/Viking Wind an impressive 4th place with an average score of 4.1, which must be considered extremely satisfactory!

turbine owners were asked to rate areas ranging from 'quality of service' and 'quality of repairs' to 'professional knowledge' and 'communication'.

In the area of "Quality of service and repairs" HS Wind/Viking Wind shares first place with Per & Jørgen Therkildsen A/S with a score of well over 4; and in the area of "The company's professional knowledge/technicians' knowledge of your turbine" HS Wind/Viking Wind is in 2nd place.

When asked if the wind turbine owner would recommend the company to others, HS Wind/Viking Wind is also in 2nd place with a score of just around 4 - which must also be considered very satisfactory.

The only remark on HS Winds/Viking Winds performance was that the company should be better at sending service reports by email afterwards. But we already do this, as the service report is attached to the invoice as a PDF file, so this 'problem' should already be considered solved.

All in all, a very satisfactory result of the 2017 survey for HS Wind/Viking Wind, which we are very proud of.

You can see the results of the entire survey on the Danish Wind Turbine Association's website by following the link here.

Contact us

If you'd like to hear more about whether a Viking VS turbine could be the right choice for you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always ready with guidance and advice - whether you already own a small wind turbine or are thinking of investing in one.