Open house in Middelfart, Denmark
Come by and check out our newest hybrid installation on location
With great pleasure and pride, Viking Wind invites all stakeholders to an Open House at Langagervej 5, Middelfart, Denmark, on Thursday, September 2. 2021 between 14-17 - to celebrate the successful installation of our newest hybrid project.
The hybrid installation combines sun, wind, and battery storage. Furthermore, it is an off-grid installation where the energy production from the different elements is delivered directly to an independent unit without being connected to a public grid. That gives many possibilities for the location.
The installation can provide renewable electricity from 20 up to 25 Danish smalls.
The Open House is part of the climate folk remedy taking place in Middelfart in September 2021. You can read more about the Folk remedy here.
The project is a demo project that shows the possibilities of creating communities where multiple individuals/ smalls join forces to be self-sufficient with renewable energy.

Come by and check out our newest hybrid installation on location
With great pleasure and pride, Viking Wind invites all stakeholders to an Open House at Langagervej 5, Middelfart, Denmark, on Thursday, September 2. 2021 between 14-17 - to celebrate the successful installation of our newest hybrid project.
The hybrid installation combines sun, wind, and battery storage. Furthermore, it is an off-grid installation where the energy production from the different elements is delivered directly to an independent unit without being connected to a public grid. That gives many possibilities for the location.
The installation can provide renewable electricity from 20 up to 25 Danish smalls.
The Open House is part of the climate folk remedy taking place in Middelfart in September 2021. You can read more about the Folk remedy here.
The project is a demo project that shows the possibilities of creating communities where multiple individuals/ smalls join forces to be self-sufficient with renewable energy.
Contact us
If you'd like to hear more about whether a Viking VS turbine could be the right choice for you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always ready with guidance and advice - whether you already own a small wind turbine or are thinking of investing in one.