Successful return visit to Bangladesh
Early November 2018 saw a return visit to Bangladesh for Pia Jakobsen and Ulrich Høgenhaven from Viking Wind.As last time, the Danish Embassy in Bangladesh hosted the Danish visit from Viking Wind. Samina Shahrukh, Senior Trade Adviser and Jacob Kahl Jepsen, Commercial Counsellor, Head of Trade were once again extremely well-prepared hosts and had planned another exciting and concentrated program, including a visit to the world's largest refugee camp at Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh, which houses over 900,000 people, of which more than 500,000 are children.Furthermore, there was time for a reunion with previously established contacts, which gave the opportunity to strengthen the connections to these, as well as the establishment of new contacts.Overall, an honoring/fruitful reunion with Bangladesh.
Early November 2018 saw a return visit to Bangladesh for Pia Jakobsen and Ulrich Høgenhaven from Viking Wind.As last time, the Danish Embassy in Bangladesh hosted the Danish visit from Viking Wind. Samina Shahrukh, Senior Trade Adviser and Jacob Kahl Jepsen, Commercial Counsellor, Head of Trade were once again extremely well-prepared hosts and had planned another exciting and concentrated program, including a visit to the world's largest refugee camp at Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh, which houses over 900,000 people, of which more than 500,000 are children.Furthermore, there was time for a reunion with previously established contacts, which gave the opportunity to strengthen the connections to these, as well as the establishment of new contacts.Overall, an honoring/fruitful reunion with Bangladesh.
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If you'd like to hear more about whether a Viking VS turbine could be the right choice for you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always ready with guidance and advice - whether you already own a small wind turbine or are thinking of investing in one.