Viking Wind at diplomatic dinner with African ambassadors


On Friday, November 11, 2016, Viking Wind is invited to a diplomatic dinner with African ambassadors and selected Danish companies.

The program for the evening will, in addition to the formal dinner, also include a presentation of the participating African countries/ambassadors and a presentation of the selected companies.

The dinner will give Viking Wind the opportunity to network and learn more about African countries as a possible market potential.

CEO Ulrich Høgenhaven and Head of Sales and Project Pia Jakobsen will attend the dinner.

Viking Wind at diplomatic dinner with African ambassadors

On Friday, November 11, 2016, Viking Wind is invited to a diplomatic dinner with African ambassadors and selected Danish companies.

The program for the evening will, in addition to the formal dinner, also include a presentation of the participating African countries/ambassadors and a presentation of the selected companies.

The dinner will give Viking Wind the opportunity to network and learn more about African countries as a possible market potential.

CEO Ulrich Høgenhaven and Head of Sales and Project Pia Jakobsen will attend the dinner.

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If you'd like to hear more about whether a Viking VS turbine could be the right choice for you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always ready with guidance and advice - whether you already own a small wind turbine or are thinking of investing in one.