The Vejroe Project - a green Danish adventure
100 %
green energy
A Viking turbine produces 100% green energy
1 kr.
Produce your own electricity for 1 kr./KWh
between 20-25 years lifespan
on a Viking Wind wind turbine
On a small Danish island, green energy solutions of the future are being developed. The transition is ambitious but necessary, both in terms of the island's overall sustainability and for the future success of a green Denmark.
In addition to the energy project, which includes two wind turbines from Viking Wind, a resort has been built with a hotel, conference rooms, greenhouses and an orangery to produce organic food. 16-20 people are employed full-time to take care of the resort's guests.
The clear goal of 100% self-sustainable renewable energy on Vejroe was created as much out of necessity as curiosity. Today, the island is not connected to the mainland by cables or regular transportation. The previous diesel-based energy supply required thousands of liters of diesel to be transported to Vejroe to power the diesel generators. This was an impractical and expensive way to deliver energy to the island. The annual energy bill was more than 1 mio. Danish kroner, and for that reason alone, there was a strong incentive to make the island self-sufficient with sustainable energy and heat.
The project is also driven by the desire to explore, test and learn how an island can become self-sufficient with green energy in the best and most economical way. You can read more about the project here

Contact us
If you'd like to hear more about whether a Viking VS turbine could be the right choice for you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always ready with guidance and advice - whether you already own a small wind turbine or are thinking of investing in one.