Price guide
How much does a small wind turbine cost?
A small wind turbine can provide your private property or business with renewable green energy for many years. The price of a residential wind turbine varies significantly depending on several factors such as size and quality. Below you can read more about the most relevant parameters that influence the price of your new small wind turbine.
Price of a 5kw, 10kw, 20kw and 25kw wind turbine
The price of a 10kw - 25kw wind turbine will vary depending on the size, where it is to be installed, and how it will be used. The Viking VS, with its variable speed, can deliver anything between 10 - 25kw and is therefore a good flexible choice for the price. It can meet most needs from ordinary households to, for example, a farm, where consumption is higher than otherwise. A smaller turbine of down to 5kw can also be a very good choice at a cheaper price than a larger turbine. Such a turbine can supplement or often completely cover an ordinary family's electricity needs with clean and environmentally friendly electricity. At a competitive price, a small turbine is an ideal choice for families who want to minimize their environmental impact and make their consumption greener. A 5kw turbine can also be a cost-effective alternative for certain types of businesses that want to have their own production of sustainable electricity.

Installation price for small wind turbines
Of course, the installation price depends on how difficult the terrain is to transport and install the turbine - in Denmark, however, it is rarely very demanding.
We have optimized the installation process of our wind turbine by integrating a winch into the design of the turbine, eliminating the need for a crane when installing and servicing the turbine.
This also means that you stay on the ground during the process and don't have to be equipped with all kinds of safety and service equipment to get to the top of the turbine. For that reason our installation price is very competitive compared to traditional wind turbines without an integrated winch.
The quality
Our Viking VS turbine is based on years of testing and optimisation. Our previous flagship model, the Viking 25, was the most thoroughly tested Danish small wind turbine in its class at the time. We have used data and learnings from this model to develop the Viking VS, which we can confidently say is of the highest quality on the market.
To ensure a long lifespan of the turbine, it has been strategically reinforced at critical points in the construction. These points have been carefully selected based on data from which areas of the turbine's structure are most exposed and wear out the fastest. Viking VS will therefore have a lifespan of over 25 years in an optimal location - and we can advise you on how to find the best possible location for your turbine.

Ongoing service
By Danish law, it is mandatory to have your small wind turbine serviced every year. That's why our turbine's electric winch, which allows the turbine to be lowered and hoisted to the ground, is a great advantage, allowing the technician to check and service the turbine without much effort.
The Viking VS also comes with a 5-year warranty on all components, so you're worry-free.
Efficiency and effectiveness
To assess whether the turbine is worth its price, one of the most important factors is how efficient the turbine's production is. Viking VS is optimized so that technical calculations and local weather conditions determine the rotational speed of the blades. By integrating engineering calculations, your local conditions can be optimally utilized, whether you're located on the coast or inland, so you get the most out of the turbine when the wind blows. With an optimal turbine placement, the Viking VS can produce up to 90,000 kWh per year.
Of course, power production varies depending on the weather - but that's where the Danish electricity system is smart! When you buy a small wind turbine, it is connected to the electricity grid. This means that when your turbine produces more electricity than you consume, the surplus is fed into the collective electricity grid and the electricity you have sold at the current spot price is deducted from your electricity bill. If the production goes well, you can even end up earning money on your green home-generated electricity. Therefore, a small wind turbine can be very economical.

Small wind turbines come in a wide range of sizes from small to large turbines - the Viking VS falls into the latter category. Of course, a large turbine is also a bigger investment, but as mentioned before, it can easily become a profitable business by selling your surplus electricity to the public grid. It can also be a great advantage if you have a large property or run a business that requires a considerable amount of electricity. You save money by generating your electricity locally and your environmental footprint is significantly reduced as your primary power consumption is covered by a green energy source.
Grants and subsidies
Previously, you could get a subsidy for your small wind turbine, which depended on how much electricity it produced. This rate started high and dropped continuously after installation. Unfortunately, this option was abolished in 2020 and it is no longer possible to get a government subsidy for your turbine. However, this does not mean that it is not profitable to have a small wind turbine - it can still be a very good business.
Interested in buying a small wind turbine?
- or do you want to know more about what a turbine should cost for your small business? You can contact one of our retailers here.